Sunday 29 July 2007


I just can't understand how you can be Pro-life and debate that life is sacred and all. Then go home and just eat a piece of meat and don't think about how you just choose to kill a living being. A living being, very well capable of more "living" than a foetus.

All lives are not equal, that's just the way it is. We don't value strangers as much as friends. We'd rather see the entire Nazi party hanged in 1933 than to let them live and cause the killing of millions of innocents. Not considering everyone and everything equal is not a sin, it's natural, and human. Do the quiz below (the parents agree in the case of foetus abortion below, so the choice is entirely yours, which is more sinful?), don't tell me that you have a hard time deciding on which lives to spare. If you do, you are the one who is having a problem with your ethics, not me.

I should have included, a man and a man as number six, but I was busy trying to draw something that vaguely resembled the text. I am not an artist in any way.


Anonymous said...

Being pro-life isn't about choosing who should live and who is valuable. Its about helping people choose not to murder people. Life is sacred, human life is uniquely sacred.

ninjin said...

Then I ask, why? Why is your act of slaughtering animals not as bad killing a foetus that is not even capable of knowing whether or not it is alive? Why are "we" more sacred? Is it god? Is it our potential? In that case, our potential to do what?