Saturday 28 April 2007

"Good" commercials

Yesterday I discovered a poster in the subway that made me smile. They are rather nasty towards new age, belief and psycho dynamic therapy but what the hell. I don't mind giving any of those fields a kick in the but now and then. They all claim to help people but are unable to prove it unlike other means that are scientifically proven to be both effective and harmless. Since they are Swedish I will supply a translation. Alvedon is a brand of painkillers made by AstraZeneca.

"Heahache? Try a pair of healing hands.
Or trust in Alvedon"

"Headache? Try self hypnosis, stare at the sign for ten minutes. Or trust in Alvedon"

"Headache? Call Saira Solskensöga, 08-50 52 22 05.
Or trust in Alvedon"

Translators note:
Solskensöga is literally "Sunshine eye" and is refering to a "typical" name of a fortune teller.

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