Sunday 31 December 2006

Installing Python Snack module under FreeBSD

Apparently Snack ( in ports doesn't want to play with Python and I am eager to play and don't want to look into it. So if you have no patience ;) just install the Python module manually.

Get Snack using ports
# portinstall snack

Fetch the source code
# fetch

Untar it
# tar xvf snack2.2.10.tar.gz

Copy the file that we are interested in to the Python module directory
# cp snack2.2.10/python/ /usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/

Clean up the thrash (keep in mind that there is some useful example code in the demos directory)
# rm snack2.2.10.tar.gz && rm -rf snack2.2.10/

And then start playing with Snack.

EDIT 05/01/07:
(Added it as a text-file aswell.

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